Individual calculation modules

Software development

MDESIGN Services

Driving the company's success

The future success of a company depends largely on how it systematically processes existing and new knowledge, secures it in the long term and makes it accessible to employees in a targeted manner. The use of powerful, specially developed digital tools enables the implementation of unique and innovative engineering projects.


Individualized software

By implementing MDESIGN standards, the company's own methods and calculations are not only converted into software applications in a future-proof and cost-effective manner. You also benefit from all the advantages of the MdeSIG environment:

  • Simple operability
  • Integrated databases
  • Context-sensitive help system
  • Multilingualism
  • Verifiable documentation

Replace your high-maintenance Excel spreadsheets, Fortran and C++ programs.


Tailor-made answers to the digital transformation

With the innovative authoring system MDESIGN author, we actively support you in the creation of powerful calculation applications. We transform your company's own content - from calculation equations to graphics and explanations - into customized calculation modules. This allows you to permanently secure valuable design knowledge, make it accessible to a broad user base and make work processes considerably more efficient.



Our entire product range

Discover all the possibilities with our basic and expert modules


Calculation made easy

MDESIGN software solutions

Time-saving, standard-compliant design, recalculation, optimization and documentation of components and component groups.
Overview of software solutions
Know-how that gets you ahead

MDESIGN seminars

Practically relevant further training courses for specialists in design and product development for the safe design of machine elements in accordance with recognized guidelines and standards.
Overview of Seminars